• Rajshahi Branch: 01706839135
  • Bheramara Branch: 01711373052
  • Branch 1:গ্রেটার রোড, রাজশাহী Branch 2: ভেড়ামারা, কুষ্টিয়া।

Diagnostic Services

  • Out Patient Lab Services
  • 16-Hours Diagnostic Services
  • Computed Tomography (CT) Scan
  • Extremity X-ray
  • Chest X-ray
  • Portable X-ray
  • 24-Hours Laboratory Services
  • Health Screening Services
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services


Central Hospital Limited is running a highly professional and modern diagnostic laboratory. The laboratory is well spaced and equipped with top branded analyzers. This is managed by learned, experienced consultants and well trained, qualified, skilled technologist.


A. Hematology & Immunohematology: This section provides both routine & special hematological investigation services. Here, we also perform routine & special coagulation studies.
B. Immunohematology section doing accurate blood grouping, cross matching, detection of antibody and infection related to transfusion.
C. Clinical Pathology section doing routine & special tests of stool, urine , body fluids like pleural, peritoneal fluid, semen, CSF etc, Bacterial Antigen of CSF is also done for early detection of meningitis.
This department uses both automation and manual technique in the analysis of tests.


A. Histopathology Section: This section is doing tissue diagnosis of tumous both malignant & nonmalignant. Besides routine H & E stain we use other special stains for more accurate diagnosis.
B. Cytology Section:
1. Gynaecological Cytology: The pap’s smear is done for screening of cervical cancer.
2. FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology):
• Aspiration done by FNAC  gun from superficial lesions.
• From deep seated lesions aspiration done by USG guided or CT guided method.
In this section reporting and evaluation done by qualified   Histopathologist & Cytologist.


This section offers a high quality range of testing for variety of diseases in thyroid, cancer markers, infectious diseases and autoimmunity. It is well equipped with updated automated immuno analyzer.
Various types of antibody against herpes simplex virus Type I, II, Chlamydia, E B virus, H pylori, vericella zoster etc by ELISA method.
TORCH panel is done by chemiluminesence  method.
Strict Quality control is maintained in every shift daily and external quality control psiodically.


This section provides a comprehensive range of services covering isolation, identification & antibiogram testing of bacteria, fungi culture and defection of parasites. Specimens used are swabs from infection site, blood, skin scraping & body fluids including CSF. Automation is used mainly in blood culture.
Under the direction of our consultants this section has been able to achieve a close & informed  relationship with treating doctors in respect to the services provided particularly the rapid access to results, opinion and advice.


This section conducts qualitative & quantitative analysis mainly on blood & also on urine & other body fluids.
We provide test for Renal function, Liver function, Cardiac biomarkers,   Screening for Diabetes mellitus, Hormone analysis, Therapeutic drug monitoring & Drug abuse screening. The test results are validated by regular  monitoring with internal and external proficiency test and quality control.
The results are accurate & available within short possible time so as to be useful to clinician in the diagnosis & treatment of the patients.